"You have gifts that the world needs" with Kelly Collins


Kelly Collins is the “go-to” Spiritual Coach and Trusted Advisor to women in their 30’s who are burnt out, uninspired in their career or relationships and feel disconnected from their true selves. Kelly supports clients through a holistic life audit and provides actionable spiritual tools all while using her celebrated methodology Soul Spark ™.  Within a month, clients have stronger relationships, a greater sense of self-trust, feel more fulfilled in work, and report a “special spark”. Kelly’s signature coaching has captured the attention of 3.5 million readers on her blog, Paleohacks.com, and her highly-regarded podcast Soul Spark with Kelly Collins.

Can you tell our readers about your background?

It all really started when I was a child with a passion for moving my body. I dabbled in just about every sport but soccer, gymnastics, and cheerleading were what stuck. By the time I was working towards my Bachelor’s in Kinesiology with an emphasis in fitness, nutrition, and health at San Diego State University, I was ready to make my love of movement into a career. At the age of 18, I began working with my first personal training clients and teaching group fitness class. 14+ years later, I have obtained certifications in NASM CPT, E-RYT 200, YACEP, Reiki Practitioner, and Nutritionist and I made a name for herself in the media for serving as a spiritual advocate for women who are burnt out and feel disconnected from their true selves.

What inspired you to start your business?

For 10 years, including at the beginning of my career in fitness, I struggled with a negative body image, perfectionist mindset, and identifying a true sense of self. In short, I was lost, tired, and didn’t feel like myself. It was not until she went on my own extensive spiritual journey - practicing and learning yogic philosophy, absorbing thousands of hours of retreats, workshops, books, and podcasts, and partaking in a deep-dive in self-study that I was able to strengthen my self trust and self worth, and rewire my brain. This massive spiritual shift inspired me to continue my education, share what I have learned, and build my unique coaching method which incorporates yogic philosophy, mindfulness, neuroscience, and actionable steps.

Where is your business based?

I am based out of San Diego, CA but serve clients all over the world!

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

I have been on a beautiful, evolving journey to my current business. I started my first business in 2012 doing in-home personal training and nutrition consultation. My second business was an international yoga & adventure retreat company that I started in 2016. I began my current company Kelly Collins Wellness in 2018 and created the Soul Spark branch of the company in 2019 with my podcast Soul Spark with Kelly Collins. I then expanded it with my Soul Spark coaching program in 2020. My business has evolved from one to the next over the years in a very intuitive way. Whenever I feel that it is time to move on and birth something new, I allow myself to.

So to break it down a bit more clearly, my first steps for my current business were to 1. Listen in and reflect on what was and wasn’t working and what actually lights me up, 2. Create an avatar for the type of client I wanted to serve, 3. Create an outline of the type of content I wanted to share, 4. Create a business model, 5. Start putting myself and my new business out there!

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

Instagram, events, and the email list and contacts that I have built through the years of running my own businesses.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge has always been patience. We often see other peoples’ businesses thriving and assume that they made it overnight. This is rarely ever the case and I’m always reminding myself that I am in this for the long haul and my passion will always drive me in the right direction.

How do you stay focused?

I schedule in intentional rest time and stay on track with writing down my goals and breaking them up into smaller, attainable goals. I’m a HUGE fan of the “Big 3” - every morning I write down my Big 3 for the day  which are the three main things I need to get done to move the needle in my business.

 How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

Fueled by my extensive background in mind-body-soul wellness, my passion for guiding others, and my belief that we all have special gifts that we are here to share, I developed my Kelly Collins Wellness and my Soul Spark methodology. With my businesses, I’ve curated a powerful sisterhood community and deeply personalized programs to help coach my clients to go from uninspired and exhausted to fulfilled and balanced. Over the years, I have served thousands of women and taught over 25,000 hours in workshops, classes, one-on-one, and group coaching, and 10+ international retreats.          

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

Hosting local, international, and virtual events with marketing through email and Instagram.

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

You have gifts that the world needs. Follow your passion and hire someone to help you in the areas you need help with so that you can share those gifts with more ease and success!

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

App: Over, now known as Go Daddy Studio, for easily creating beautiful and professional looking graphics.

Blog: I don’t read a lot of blogs but I love the Minimalist Baker because I eat plant-based and she has amazing, fast, delicious, healthy plant-based recipes. Eating plant-based gives me the energy I need to run my business with clarity and focus.

Book: So many favorite books but I’ll say Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. While it isn’t a “business” book, its principles have helped me greatly in all aspects of my life including my business. I have learned to be able to not get caught up in things that used to stress me out and see things from a greater perspective. This helps me handle any problem that arises in my business with more grace and ease + it has helped me to do everything with more intentionality which is essential in running a successful business.  

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

Working with coaches as needed. I’ve found that working with my coaches has helped me to grow my business and gain understanding of certain concepts like sales, marketing, branding, and PR 1,000x faster than if I had tried to do it alone.

Who is your business role model? Why?

My coach Louiza Megan who runs a super successful coaching business while still taking 2 full months every year and a week off every month. Talk about work-life balance!       

How do you balance work and life?

I review my calendar at the beginning of every month and intentionally schedule my work and my time off and stick with it!  

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

Hiking and being in nature with my boyfriend and my pup!

What do you have planned for the next six months?

○      4th annual Year of You retreat on January 6-9, 2022 - this virtual retreat helps women to come together as a community and take time to get deeply connected with themselves, do deep healing, get intentional about the year ahead, and set their manifestations into motion! 

○      Idyllwild Forest Goddess Retreat on January 20-23, 2022 - this is an intimate women’s yoga and wellness retreat that allows participants to take a weekend to reconnect and rejuvenate their mind-body-soul through yoga, meditation, goddess rituals, and nourishing, plant-based food!

○      Soul Spark Academy starting February 1 through April 12, 2022 - my women’s virtual group coaching program that helps women who are sick, tired, and burnt out to build confidence within, reconnect with their Self, and reignite their passion for life!

How can our readers connect with you?

Website: www.kellycollinswellness.com

Soul Spark Coaching Program: https://www.kellycollinswellness.com/soulsparkcoaching

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoT-J_ek4PpnMU1Pyc-fO3g

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellycollinswellness/

Podcast: Soul Spark with Kelly Collins




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