Entrepreneur Stephanie Downs on Building a Global Biomaterials Brand
Kristin Marquet Kristin Marquet

Entrepreneur Stephanie Downs on Building a Global Biomaterials Brand

Cofounder and CEO of UncagedInnovations.com, Stephanie Downs has over 20 years of experience creating, building, and selling businesses in a variety of industries. She also spent over a decade serving as a Corporate Social Responsibility Consultant advising companies on alternatives to animal materials. She founded her first venture in 1999, an internet marketing company, that she sold in 2014 to a VC firm.

Then in 2016, Stephanie founded the venture, Good Dot, an organization that grew into the largest plant-based meat company in India. She sold her interests in that organization to embark on helping build more innovative material companies. Now, Stephanie serves as the CEO of the emerging next-generation leather company, Uncaged Innovations.

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Finding your confidence in public speaking with Phillip Sessions
Kristin Marquet Kristin Marquet

Finding your confidence in public speaking with Phillip Sessions

Philip Sessions is a speaking coach who helps business owners, leaders, and salespeople become confident in public speaking. With over three years of experience being a podcaster, public speaker, and Toastmaster, Philip specializes in helping business owners step into their true speaking potential by building their confidence to empower them to lead their companies and express the vision, mission, and strategy of their company so all their employees can understand the WHY behind their work and not just the what!

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"Look at your business plan now because things change" with Christine Blanchette
Interview Entrepreneur Se Kristin Marquet Interview Entrepreneur Se Kristin Marquet

"Look at your business plan now because things change" with Christine Blanchette

Christine Blanchette is a nationally published health and fitness/lifestyle writer. She writes a weekly column in Quebec’s second largest English language newspaper, The Sherbrooke Record, and freelances for other notable publications. In addition, Christine is the creator, producer, and host of Run With It, which is Canada’s only running, fitness and health show, airing on Novus (TELUS) TV and YouTube channel. Christine’s other show on Novus (TELUS) TV and YouTube channel is The Closing Act, which profiles musicians, and other movers and shakers in the entertainment industry.

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Emily Wolf On The 5 Things You Need To Be A Successful Author or Writer
Kristin Marquet Kristin Marquet

Emily Wolf On The 5 Things You Need To Be A Successful Author or Writer

In this interview series, called “5 Things You Need To Be A Successful Author or Writer” we are talking to successful authors and writers who can share lessons from their experience.

As part of this series I had the pleasure of interviewing Emily Wolf. Emily is an ardent feminist, U2 fan, and native Chicagoan who now lives in Houston with her husband, children, and dogs. She volunteers with Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast and with her synagogue’s Board of Trustees and Social Justice Core Team. Emily has published several essays in the Houston Chronicle and on emilyvwolf.medium.com.

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