3 Ways To Reduce Costs In Your E-Commerce Business

How to reduce costs in business

As with any business or startup venture, your chances of survivability will increase year-over-year if you make a profit. You can increase your profits by attracting more customers to your business, and by raising the prices on some of your products. You can also increase your profit margin by finding ways to reduce overall costs. With an E-commerce business, you can save money in the following ways. Here are some of the top ways.

#1: Reduce delivery costs to increase your profit margin

In your business, you will need to pay delivery costs on the supplies you buy for your business, and delivery costs for the items you ship to your customers. 

You can save money by researching freight companies and taking note of the fees they charge per delivery. You can also save money during the shipping process by opting for 'full truckload freight shipping.' This is where you ship your orders in bulk instead of relying on several smaller shipments. Especially when you have a lot of orders for one particular town or city, this can be cost-effective. 

Go online to compare truck freight rates and research cheaper delivery options. 

#2: Negotiate with your suppliers for better prices (especially if you purchase volume amounts)

After building up a professional relationship with your suppliers, they might be willing to offer you a discount on the products you buy from them. Many will also offer you a discount if you up your order amount and buy in bulk. 

Of course, if you do buy in bulk, you will need sufficient storage space, so factor this into the equation. If putting items in storage puts you at a loss, you might want to work out another way to save money with your supply company. You might want to let them know about cheaper suppliers you have found elsewhere, for example, as they might then be willing to lower their prices to keep you as a customer. You might also want to change suppliers if a deal can't be made as it obviously makes more sense to go elsewhere if you can get what you need at a cheaper price. 

#3: Call your credit card processor to see if they will reduce processing fees

If you have been doing business with your credit card processor for a long time, they might be willing to nix some of its fees. Some fees will be non-negotiable, including those that have been handed down by MasterCard and Visa. However, some fees are set by the processor, including annual fees and online reporting fees, and these could be negotiated or eliminated. 

So, pick up the phone and speak to them. Like your supplier, they want to keep their customers, so don't be afraid to ask. If they turn you down, threaten to leave them, as they might change their mind in an effort to retain your custom. Alternatively, move to a new credit card processor when your current contract is about to end if you can find a better deal elsewhere.

The more money you can save the better, so consider our suggestions. Then look online for other ways to reduce costs in your E-commerce business, as you will be able to increase your profits and grow your business if you do.

Is Your Business Drowning in Debt?

Business debt

Running a business with sufficient funds is the key to being successful over the long term. You need extra funds available in case you need to hire a new team member, market an existing product or service, or test the development of a new product. Avoiding taking on debt as much as possible for long as you can is essential to the longevity of your business. Continue reading to learn how to avoid going into debt or stop digging yourself into a larger debt hole.

It’s unfortunate but many businesses get into deep debt, which they are unable to pay off. In fact, 26,000 businesses go bankrupt every year in the US.

Knowing how to deal effectively with your debt can be important for reducing financial damage in the long run. There may be a way to keep your business afloat. If not, it’s important to find the exit strategy that’s going to cause the least harm to you and your associates. This brief guide can help.

Top Signs Your Business is Drowning in Debt

Here are a few tell-tale signs your business is in debt and doesn’t have any way out of it.

You’re consistently accumulating debt (on credit cards, borrowing from family or friends, or taking out personal loans) faster than you can pay it off. You believe that every idea you have will be a huge success and yield massive results for your business but only results in failure.

People are chasing you for payments. You receive past-due notifications or telephone calls from those you owe money to. If you have vendors and suppliers calling you to make payments and you hide from them, then this is an issue. If you’re in business, paying your bills should be the first thing you do every month to prevent being turned over for collections.

You’ve lost track of how much you owe - and who to. If you don’t keep spending records, then you probably don’t know how much revenue you have coming in vs. going out. This is a recipe for failure.

If you don’t track your expenses, then there’s no way you will be able to prevent overspending. Creating a budget for expenses every month is vital to prevent spending too much and getting into debt.

You’ve made significant cutbacks (by laying off staff, closing offices, and eliminating excess waste) and you’re still struggling to pay off your debts. If you’ve cut out the extraneous expenses and are running with a skeleton operation, and you still can’t make your minimum monthly payments, then it’s time to evaluate how you can increase revenue so you can start paying your debt’s minimum monthly balances. Paying the minimum amount due every month isn’t ideal (because of high-interest rates) but it’s a start.  

Steps to Take to Start Getting Out of Debt

First, you need to decide how much your business means to you and your livelihood. If you’re eager to keep your business alive and continue running it yourself, it could be worth looking into debt consolidation options and debt reduction options, especially if you have tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

A consolidation loan may be able to pay off multiple debts, turning your debt into one single reduced monthly debt payment. Meanwhile, there are specialist services that may be able to help you negotiate with debtors/creditors to reduce interest rates and lengthen terms so that your debts are easier to pay each month.

If you want to keep your business alive but don’t want to run it yourself, then there may be the option to sell your business in the near future. Selling a business with huge debts isn’t easy but it can be done with the right approach – some buyers/investors specifically target struggling businesses and turn them around to be profitable. You may have to accept a very low price and other unfavorable terms, as well as the option of continuing to pay off some of the debt yourself. But certain business brokers can help you with the sale process. This guide at https://www.forbes.com offers more information on selling a business with debt.

The third option is to close your business and go into voluntary liquidation. An IP will sell any company assets, pay creditors, and manage the closure for you. Most of your debt is likely to be written off and you can walk away without that debt looming over your head. This can be a viable option for those who have considerable debt and can’t pay it off.

There are other services such as https://www.dtss.us/ that can help you find the best option while causing the least amount of damage to your credit score. These services can educate you on your rights so that you know exactly what you can and can’t do.

Bankruptcy as a Viable Option to Eliminating Your Business Debt

Bankruptcy is the fastest way to wipe debts without resorting to total liquidation. You can go bankrupt and keep your business alive if you’re a sole trader or the sole owner, but this isn’t an easy path. Often assets such as your business or assets that the company owns will be used to pay off any outstanding debts. While this is not the right option for every business owner, it’s worth seeking the right advice before declaring bankruptcy.

There are also support services that you can use to help you recover after bankruptcy. These companies provide services that could involve finding lenders where appropriate and repairing your credit score.

4 Tax Moves Small Business Owners Should Consider During Economic Downturn

By: Wendi Williams of Incfile

By: Wendi Williams of Incfile

The last few months have served as a wake-up call for small business owners and a reminder that no matter how successful you are, your situation can change on a dime. As we approach the July 15 extended tax filing deadline, many small business owners wonder how they can offset their current losses and better prepare their finances for whatever surprises the economy has in store in the coming years.

On March 27, 2020, the U.S. Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to support American citizens, small business owners and employees in the midst of an unprecedented time in our history. The goal of the CARES Act is to provide fast relief to those left reeling from COVID-19. In meeting those goals, it also introduced a number of changes to current tax law that will benefit many business owners this year and in the future.

An important note: While the changes that accompany the CARES Act can benefit all types of business owners from solo-preneurs to independent contractors, they may not be applicable if your business has received funds through the Paycheck Protection Program. Always check your eligibility before attempting to claim a new tax credit. Read on for some tax moves you can make right now to maximize your benefits in 2020 and beyond.

Tax Move #1: Line Up Your Tax Team Now

An economic downturn is not the time to start DIYing your taxes. Spending more money amid a lagging economy may feel counterintuitive, but spending it on the right person – in this case, a qualified CPA – might be what sustains you through the worst of times. So how do you find the best person for the job? Here are some tips to keep in mind when looking for the accountant who’s the right fit for you:

·      Ideally, find someone who’s been around the block a few times. Many CPAs have seen clients through a variety of economic storms. They will be up to date on the latest tax law changes, know what deductions and credits will help your business the most, and add a layer of protection between your company and the IRS.

·      Understand whether you need to hire an internal accountant or an external consultant. Smaller businesses may only need the expertise of a qualified CPA at tax time, but larger, more complex companies could benefit from having an inside source on the staff.

·      Do your homework. If you aren't sure where to begin your search, you can check with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The organization's directory allows you to check a potential CPA's credentials and search for candidates with specialized certifications.

Tax Move #2: Always Do the Extra Credit Work

During disasters, crises, and times of economic hardship, the U.S. government and the Small Business Administration often step in to protect business owners and minimize interruptions to regular commerce. It can be difficult to stay on top of frequently evolving tax law, but the payoff can be huge. Sit down with your CPA and discuss which special tax credits will benefit your business. This year, Congress has passed numerous tax credits that could help entrepreneurs get back to business as usual. If you’re already planning for your 2020 filing, consider these potential credits:

·      Family and Sick Leave Credit: If your business has fewer than 500 employees, you’re eligible for this benefit, which helps to offset the costs employers incur in granting sick leave to employees impacted by the virus.

·      The Employee Retention Tax Credit: The ERTC rewards businesses for keeping people in the workforce during the economic downturn and enables employers to receive a 50 percent tax credit on wages up to $10,000 per employee.

·      Employer Payroll Tax Deferral: The government is extending the deferment period for payroll taxes, now allowing 50 percent to be paid by the end of 2021 and the remainder by the end of 2022.

Tax Move #3: Don’t Cut Your Losses; Use Them

If your business is suffering a loss right now, you’re not alone. However, changes to current tax legislation may mean you can leverage more of those losses to maximize your benefit. While current tax law already allows businesses to claim Net Operating Losses (NOLs) to offset taxable income in future years, the CARES Act has relaxed some of those restrictions. Here’s what you need to know when claiming your NOLs:

·      Business owners with losses from 2018 to present can now claim 100 percent of losses. Previously, only 80 percent of losses could be used to offset taxable income and only in future tax years.

·      Rather than leverage losses in future years, business owners can now carry them back as far as five years.

·      This change is important for business owners struggling to maintain cash flow and liquidity.

·      If you choose to carry NOLs forward, you can do so with losses from 2018–2020 for up to 20 years, but these will be subject to the 80 percent limit.

Tax Move #4: Deduct Your Debt

If you aren’t already claiming your business interest payments as a tax deduction, you’re missing a big opportunity. And now, if you’re planning for next tax season, there’s an even greater impetus to track and report your interest payments. Previously, business owners could deduct business interest up to 30 percent of adjusted taxable income. Here’s what you need to know about maximizing your deduction:

·      Recent changes contained in the CARES Act allows business owners to deduct 50 percent of debt interest, rather than 30 percent.

·      Qualifying debts include business loans, business credit cards and lines of credit, vehicle purchases, mortgages, etc.

·      The business owner must be the legal loan holder and may need to show proof of repayment.

·      You must have evidence that your funds are used as intended to deduct interest payments.

·      Any prepaid interest is not deductible at one time; it must be scaled for the life of the loan.

A word of warning: The changes and benefits resulting from the CARES Act may seem like a lifesaver, and for some businesses, they may be. However, it's wise to exercise caution and use only the benefits that will positively impact your business without negative future repercussions. For example, the CARES Act makes it easier to borrow against retirement savings, but it is not advised to start pillaging your 401(k)s and IRAs unless it's a last-resort scenario.

The tax landscape is always shifting, and in light of the current economic climate, it’s evolving at a dizzying speed. It’s more important than ever that small business owners have the support and expertise they need to take advantage of tax benefits that may sustain them through economic hardship and an unstable market. Using the tax moves outlined above can give you a starting point for getting your taxes in order this year and in the years ahead.

What Makes a Business Attractive to Investors?


Cracking the investor/VC code is tough, but once you understand the formula, you’ll be able to present and pitch your business idea and funding needs to any investor group with ease and confidence.

Whether you’re founding a start-up or manning an existing company looking to grow its product line or service suite with an injection of capital, it is important to understand which elements of a business are attractive to investors. Putting any money into a company is a huge decision for somebody to make, so investors need to be sure that they are making the right choice by providing your company with capital to grow. Raising money is very rarely quick and easy, but if you make sure you’re attractive to investors, your chance of successfully fundraising will increase.

The Right Expertise and Experience – Board of Directors and Founder 

Surrounding yourself with great people who have expertise and experience in your field is a sure-fire way of inducing investor trust. You should make sure that you have a board of advisors that can offer genuine advice and guidance, and can use their experience to help you avoid making mistakes that could cost investors their capital. A diverse board made up of specialists in different areas is the best to build investor trust. They want to reduce risk, so having a solid team of experienced mentors, co-founders, partners, and advisors is a great way to put investors at ease. 

When I served on the board of directors for a New York City modeling agency, each person on the board had their own experience and expertise to provide guidance for the agency to grow. My role was to serve as the communications and public relations expert, while there were seven other members who served in the areas of finance, strategy, operations, marketing, etc. Our knowledge and expertise rounded out the board.

Unless you are an obviously remarkable and mesmerizing person, you should have some credentials if you are the sole founder of a company. These credentials could be a few years working in the field, but it is important to demonstrate that you have a business mind as well. MBAs are a good sign for any investor looking into a founder. If you don’t have a qualification such as an MBA, you might want to consider doing an online course or an entire online program. Expect the fundraising process to take between one and two years, which fits in with the timing of a part-time online MBA from Victoria University, that offer a unique course that’s faster than on-campus study. Individual courses in marketing, finance, and strategy can also help provide the education you need to attract investors. 

Ensuring that a board is run and managed effectively can win even more confidence from investors. Having in place a solid board governance framework, and publishing it either publicly or being able to refer it to your investors can give them a sense of security that organization’s decision-makers are being held accountable, as well.

Identifying the Problem and Fixing It Quickly 

The stereotypical pitch deck lays out a problem before explaining how the proposed business is the solution to that problem, but a few slides is not enough to instill investor confidence. You need to know the problem inside out, better than the solution that you are offering. This should come naturally with the months of research that it takes to prepare a business pitch, but if you can’t answer unbelievably niche questions about the problem, you probably aren’t ready to be looking for investment.

The pitch decks we develop contain the following slides: vision and value proposition, the problem, the target market and growth opportunities, the solution, revenue generation and business model, verification from market and blueprint for future growth, marketing and sales, team bios, financial projections, competitors, and fund allocation. Some investor/investment groups request figures be given as visuals, while others are fine looking at the numbers alone. Know what your investors want so you can provide them with the details in the stated format they request.

Don’t Leave Marketing as an Afterthought 

Since Ries and Trout wrote the book Positioning, marketing has never been the same. You need to show investors that you understand the concept of positioning your business and have a clear position in the market or that there’s a demand for what you want to offer. You should be aware that you need to have identified a market niche that you can occupy and dominate, but in order to successfully do so, you should have a clear marketing strategy that outlines your positioning. 

The marketing strategy doesn’t need to be 100 pages long; but rather it should outline exactly who your market is, how your product or service will fill the market gap, the strategies you plan to implement, how much revenue you will allocate to marketing, and how you will measure the effectiveness of each campaign. Once you have those details outlined, you can add them to the pitch deck as bullet points with illustrations (i.e., charts and graphs).

Demonstrate That You are Lean and Nimble

More essential business philosophy for you to demonstrate: you should understand what a lean business is, and why it is much more attractive to investors than having unneeded overhead. Running lean basically means that you know what your customers want, and you can deliver to them exactly what they want with minimum wastage. You are strategic with investment dollars and only allocate funds where needed.

If you are a company that sells bikes for extreme sports, make sure your bike can withstand a lot of activity and fulfills the exact needs of the users. Will they need a bike to have bells and whistles? No. You should have a product without unnecessary bells and whistles, which you can demonstrate that people want and need. After you’ve proven your concept and that a market exists, then you can invest more funds in optimizing and enhancing the product and spend more money on marketing. But being smart, strategic, and scrappy in the beginning are the best ways to test and scale your business. 

Get Feedback and Have Outside Opinions from Objective Third Parties

Even if your company is just an idea, it is important to get some authoritative voices pitching in, whether it is being mentioned in an editorial or an article that you can show investors, or whether it is having a commendation from an independent expert in the field stating that your idea is viable and promising. It can be tempting to ignore the importance of generating buzz and media coverage but having outside opinions can be a great boost to investor confidence.

Make sure your business or startup is on Crunch Base and use tools such as AngelList and Unicorn. Make sure you have clear public profiles that show off your product and clearly explain who you are and who all your team members are, including their experience and their strengths. Make your positioning and branding clear, even if it is very basic. Additionally, you’ll want to try and secure media coverage in relevant industry trade publications as well as mainstream business press. A third-party endorsement in Forbes.com or WSJ.com will go much further to investors as it will show a proof of concept and that the media is interested in covering your brand.

Have Audited Financials and Projections

If you haven’t already worked out that financial models are incredibly easy to manipulate, you probably haven’t built a financial model. If you have a good financial model that you think is worthy of investors’ trust, give them a shortcut to developing that trust by validating your numbers with a reputable accounting firm or tax law firm. They will be able to produce a list of assumptions that investors need to know about your model; when this list is produced by a trusted source, investors will have a good idea of the inherent risks involved with the investment.

A Professional Presentation

The content of your pitch is the most important thing, but that doesn’t mean you should completely ignore how your pitch is presented. The pitch itself is yet another opportunity to prove the skills and professionalism of your staff, and that should shine through. 

You can use a presentation design company to help you plan and design the presentation accordingly. This way, you can offer all the information you need to shareholders in an attractive, logical manner. This proves that you can handle a variety of tasks and gives them one more reason to trust in your competence. Remember, investors are investing in people as well as businesses. 

The pitch shouldn’t be too long, although it shouldn’t feel unfinished either. While it’s beneficial to have a fairly attractive presentation, the most important thing is that it’s easy to understand and follow. Every point should be clear as glass, so your investors know what questions they need to ask and where you stand on the important points.


Having business insurance can make your brand appealing to investors since it shows that you have a risk management policy. Assessing the financial strength of insurance companies is crucial when weighing your options. A broker with a robust financial standing will be able to provide sufficient cover when your business incurs large scale losses. That said, You can find the right insurance company by considering this factor. For example, if you are planning to sign up for an insurance policy with companies like Primerica, you may want to check Primerica reviews to understand their financial strength. Many insurance company ratings are based on amount of cash at hand, diversity of revenue stream, risk management protocols, and debt ratio.

Areas of Your Business to Invest In Over the Coming Months

Anyone who runs a business of any shape or size will be well aware of the idea of investment. Sure, when you set up a company, design products, carry out market research, advertise, market, and do anything else you need to sell goods, your ultimate goal is to make a profit.

You want your company to make as much money as possible and, in order to achieve this, many business owners will also attempt to make running costs as low as possible too. But it’s important to remember that success doesn’t always come cheap and making the right cuts is critical. You’ll have to invest in all sorts of different areas of your company, including and expanding beyond those areas outlined above, to create brand engagement, maximize sales, and make money.

Now, the right area to invest in well depends entirely on your company as a unique venture. What will benefit some businesses might not be as effective for others. But for now, let’s focus on some of the most popular areas of business investment of the moment.


All businesses rely on various different types of software to operate. So, chances are software was one of the first investments your company made when you were first starting out and bringing staff on board. But times change and so will your company’s needs. Right now, increasing numbers of businesses are finding that their workforces are becoming remote during the current coronavirus pandemic.

Social isolation and social distancing measures that are being implemented around the world mean that workers are often safer when working from home rather than within shared, commercial premises, so the general advice is that if your staff can work from home, then they should work from home. This will inevitably mean investing in software that will make remote working easier. Microsoft Teams is a good example, as this opens up communication between employees working from different locations through effective instant messaging and video calls. Allowing employees to work from home will also reduce your monthly office rent. Consider how much money you’ll save on that alone.

Cyber Security

In a similar vein, you may find that you need to up your cybersecurity game while the staff is working from home. Cybercriminals are operating in overdrive right now, as they know that many businesses’ security can easily become compromised with untrained workers using company devices at home. Invest in cybersecurity solutions and make sure all staff is fully trained in cybersecurity awareness. This could help to reduce the chances of data breaches through illegal activities like phishing and other online scams.

A Company Car

Of course, social isolation and social distancing measures won’t be in place forever. But it’s likely that governments are going to start encouraging people to head back to work soon. So, you might want to make some investments that can help your company to adjust to working post-pandemic and to create the safest working environments for your employees as possible.

A company car could be a good investment if you’re going to need your staff to travel to meetings, conferences, or other events. It can prevent staff from having to use public transport. Of course, you’re going to have to make sure you check any drivers’ licenses and that you get legal counsel from an expert truck accident lawyer if any issues do arise in regard to the use of the company car.

PPE/Personal Protective Equipment

Another post-pandemic investment that you might want to take into consideration is PPE. PPE stands for “personal protective equipment” and goes far beyond the traditional conceptions of high vis jackets, hard hats, and steel toe cap boots that usually come into our minds when the phrase is uttered. The term “PPE” is now often used to refer to face masks and coverings, face shields, latex gloves, perspex partitions, and other equipment that can help to slow the spread of illnesses, viruses, and diseases. Investing in these areas and products can slow the spread of the virus and help to keep your staff as safe as possible while they’re working for you. You’ll also help put your employees at ease providing them with this equipment as it will help them feel protected.

These are just a few different areas that you might want to invest in for the sake of your business and its success. Sure, they may be of the moment. But there’s a reason many small business owners are directing their attention to these areas right now. They really could become useful or essential for any company right now. Determine which are best for you and try it out. You never know - small changes could make all the difference!

4 Unusual Investment Opportunities


When it comes to making investments, banks have always been the go-to destination, but now there are many other ways people can make the most of the money sitting in their accounts. While the standard approach to investing is still very popular with investors across the world, there are many other adventurous ways you can invest that you may never have considered before.

It’s important to note that all investments come with an element of risk, but it’s all about taking the leap and making the right decision for you. In this blog, we’re going to discuss a couple of unusual investment opportunities to consider:

1. Art

Art enthusiasts could decide to pool their money into artwork. If you have a strong understanding of the market and are willing to carry out regular research on the art industry, you may be able to make a decent income from this type of investment. Although you may find a piece of art that is to your taste or speaks to you, it doesn’t necessarily mean it holds any real financial value. The good news is that high-end art has more or less maintained its price despite the fluctuations in the economy, which makes it a stable investment in comparison to other sectors. Do keep an eye out for any defects in the artwork, which are often indicators that it could be fake.

2. Buy-to-let property.

If you have an interest in the property market, there’s no reason why you couldn’t invest in a buy-to-let property. However, to be eligible to do this, you need to have enough cash to cover a quarter of the property value as a deposit. You’ll also need to have enough cash for legal fees and restorations, as well as an extra fund for emergencies. Unlike other investments that you don’t have much control over, a buy-to-let property investment relies heavily on your input.

3. Farming

Farming investments with Crawford Agriculture are another great way to generate extra income. The benefits are that almond orchards provide continuing capital gains, tax benefits, and also an increase in equity. Due to the shortages in agricultural land for growing almonds, your investment is destined to increase over time, which means you’re making the most out of your money. The almond market has remained steady over the years due to the demand for protein-rich foods, making this type of investment low-risk.

4. Coins

Rare coins are perfect for those who are interested in vintage and retro collectibles; however, it can be difficult to spot counterfeit pieces unless you have a trained eye. With this in mind, purchasing coins from house sales or auctions would almost guarantee you are investing your money in the real deal. The value of a coin is determined by how in-demand it is with coin collectors, so you may need to carry out some research into the types of coins you should be investing in.

We hope this guide has given you some interesting investment ideas to think about if you’re aiming to find ways to make the most of your savings.

How To Fund Business Growth


If your small business is doing well, you might be thinking about how best to expand from where you are. Whether you want to open a second site, expand your product range with private label products for small business, or take on more staff, expansion can be pricey but can be worth the investment. If you’re ready to grow, but aren’t sure how to finance this growth, try some of these ideas. 

  1. Look for specialist financing. There are companies out there that offer finance options for specific industries, such as medical finance companies that will lend money to medical professionals to expand.  This sort of funding can be used towards expansion or new office space to help you improve. 

  2. Get a loan through the bank. There are plenty of loans available to business owners. Most business owners know about the loans available to get their business started but don’t always think of this kind of option when they’re trying to expand. If your finances are in good order, a loan could be a smart way to find the money to help you. 

  3. S out angel investment or venture capital. Angel investors are people who invest in new or growing businesses, generally in exchange for capital. This money can be very important for a business that is stuck at a smaller size and needs assistance to expand. Just make sure you’re happy to offer capital or shares in your business. To secure this kind of funding, you will need to have a strong business plan to show how you plan to achieve the growth you’re aiming for. 

  4. Explore crowd-funding. Crowd-funding can be very successful for business with a loyal customer base. Businesses like BrewDog have raised millions to help them to grow their businesses. Crowd-funding works by offering incentives and rewards to the public who buy into different levels of support. You could offer everything from free merchandise to shares in the company. 

  5. Apply for a government grant. Some governments and other organizations offer grants and other options for finance that won’t leave you with debts to pay afterward. Most grants are intended for new business, rather than established ones, but there are some options out there if you keep looking. 

  6. Ask friends and family for loans. Shorter-term loans from family and friends are simpler to manage, as there’s no bank to deal with, no complicated terms to meet, and usually lower rates of interest. If you do choose this option, make sure you legally lay out the terms of the loan, especially when agreeing on the terms of repayment. This reduces the risk of causing arguments later on if one of you feels the other is taking advantage.

  7. Use your overdraft. If your bank has a generous overdraft option, then this can be a potential option for short-term borrowing. Just be aware that an overdraft can come with large interest fees, so it could end up costing you more cash in the long-run. This is a better option for smaller amounts of money, for example, to fund marketing campaigns, but is a poor choice for larger amounts for expanding to a second site. 

Going Big With Property Investments? Here's What You Need To Know


Are you thinking about getting into property investments? It’s true to say that you can make a fortune with a venture like this. However, you need to ensure that you are able to approach it the right way. There are a few options to consider here. 

Decide if You’re Buying To Sell Or Buying To Lease

Your first decision will be whether you want to buy properties to sell them on or buying to lease. Both can lead to profits and substantial gains. With one, you should be keeping the property on for a limited time. During this time, you need to make changes to increase the value and then sell at the right time, while keeping your budget under control. With the latter option, you will essentially take on the role of a landlord. You will also need to hire a management team to ensure that you can maintain the property for your tenants. 

Know Your Audience

Next, you need to think about who is going to be interested in renting or buying the properties that you invest in. This will determine everything from the marketing you use to the changes that you make to any property you invest in. It’s absolutely vital that you understand exactly who you are preparing the properties for. If you are unsure about this, it’s always going to be beneficial to hire a marketing consultant. They can keep you on the right path here.

Treat it Like A Company 

If you’re looking to make huge profits with this business idea, then you need to treat it like a major company. A lot of people just starting with this venture make the mistake of seeing it similar to something they can do in their spare time. If you want to make large profits with property investments then it can’t be a passive venture. It needs to be something that you take seriously. For instance, you have to look for ways to save on costs which is why it’s worth exploring cost segregation. You can find out more about this and how it could benefit you on sites like https://www.tri-merit.com/services/cost-segregation/

Work With The Right People

When you’re investing in property, whether it be commercial or residential, it’s important to find the right people who can help to carry some of the responsibilities you have as a landlord. If you want to get the most out of any commercial rental, you need to be willing to do work when it’s needed to the property in order to boost its value. Companies like Contractors Inc exist to help you to do any repair or renovation works that might be needed to improve the quality of the property itself. Whether you’re wanting to do work in between tenants moving out and in or it’s been a while since you’ve tended to the property’s maintenance, it’s worth outsourcing this help to those professionals who can get the most value for your money. 

Know The Risk 

Are you exploring taking on investments in multiple properties? If so, then you need to understand the risks of doing this. While it might seem like a stable business venture, the property market can be dicey. One of the reasons for this is that there is a massive level of different variables that can impact whether you will be able to earn money here. That’s why you need to make sure that you are exploring ways to mitigate the risk where possible. 

One option to consider here would be getting more people involved in the investment. You can join with other investors to ensure that you are not carrying the full weight of the risk. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you need to take when you’re looking at taking your property investments to the next level. You can learn more about getting into property investments on https://www.coachcarson.com/real-estate-investing-101-get-started/.