Road Traffic Accidents: A Big Problem

Road Traffic Accidents: A Big Problem

Road traffic accidents are a big problem. Despite many different campaigns and ideas, the number of collisions on the roads is still high. You should be able to find the statistics for your local area by doing a search online and seeing what your local council or authority has released on the matter. Therefore, it is important that drivers take into account the many problems that driving can bring, and drive safely to combat them. Understanding the rules of the road, driving to suit the weather, and sticking to the speed limit will all reduce accidents and fatalities on the roads. With that in mind, continue reading to discover everything that you need to know.

Road Traffic Lawyers Are Busy People!

If there is a slightly positive side to the number of road traffic accidents that still occur, it is that there are some excellent road traffic lawyers that can help in the aftermath. They can make sure that someone who has been injured, for example, gets the compensation they deserve. A lawyer for car accident injury is certainly busy, which just shows how many accidents still occur. It is useful to know the figures when it comes to car accidents on the roads in your area – everyone needs to use those roads, and it helps to be aware of the risks. This can, in some cases, remind drivers to take care on the roads, for example. 

An accident can cause problems for many people, and not just those who were involved in the crash. It can affect family members (especially when there is a serious injury or death), it can cause a loss of earnings, and it can put insurance costs up. It can also affect people even if the injuries are minor, or there are none at all. It can make people nervous and anxious about getting back in their cars, and this can affect all aspects of their lives, and the lives of those who rely on the driver to get them where they need to go. 

Areas Of Risk

The biggest area of risk when it comes to road traffic accidents still seems to be a combination of factors. These factors include drink driving, not wearing seatbelts, and going too fast. There are also many rural roads and small lanes, and it can be tempting to go as fast as the law allows on these. This speed is usually the national speed limit, which is up to 60 miles per hour on a single carriageway.

But just because you are allowed to do that speed, it doesn’t mean that you should, and these rural routes in particular can be very dangerous. They can have sharp bends and can be narrow, meaning that cars need to pull over to allow other vehicles to pass. Going too fast will mean that this cannot happen, and accidents frequently occur, leading to the need for urgent help from road traffic solicitors. 

Although anyone can be at risk of having or being involved in an accident on the road, those in the 17 to 25-year-old age bracket are most at risk. This is most often due to a lack of experience in difficult situations. Motorcyclists and pedestrians are also high on the risk factor, and a road traffic lawyer will know how to tackle these cases. 

How Will The Road Safety Framework Reduce Road Traffic Accidents?

The Road Safety Framework is a strategy put in place to reduce even more road traffic accidents. There are 96 separate commitments within the document that are expected to be able to reduce the problems on the road within the next few years. The commitments all fall under the headings of either engineering, enforcement, or education. There will also be plenty of road evaluations to ascertain where the most dangerous spots are for road traffic accidents. These areas will be the priority, and work will be put in place to ensure that they are made safer.

This could be a reduction in the speed limit, a speed camera being set up, or other road safety measures such as speed controls. An accident and casualty reduction figure has been given to each council to let them know what they need to work towards in their own area. Although the reduction in road traffic accidents is a steady one, it is still currently falling. Why is this good news for specialist lawyers? A reduction in road traffic accident claims means that lawyers can spend more time on the claims that are made. 

What Does A Road Traffic Accident Lawyer Do?

If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a road traffic accident and you contact a car accident lawyer, what should you expect to happen? What do these specialist solicitors do? Firstly, a road traffic lawyer will look into the accident and work out who – if anyone – was at fault. Once this has been done, they can go about claiming compensation for the injured party. This might be a literal, physical injury, or it could be that the accident has cost the victim time and money through not having a vehicle, for example.

A good lawyer who deals in car accident claims will be able to ensure that the right amount of compensation comes to the victim of the accident. This should be enough to cover their costs whilst out of work, for example. The more serious the accident, the more money should be expected. The lawyer will also be able to negotiate any repairs on the vehicle are paid for by the other party, thus keeping the victim’s insurance levels secure. Some firms might even be able to arrange for replacement vehicles while the original car is being repaired.

So there you have it: an insight into road traffic accidents and the importance of road safety. We hope that this has helped to shed some light on the issue and the importance of driving safely, as well as some of the things that councils are doing.


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