How to Analyze Your Golf Swing

how to improve your golf swing

Golf is all about technique, which is why you can see such great benefits from analyzing your swing. If you want to improve your game a bit, check out some of these great tips for analyzing your swing.

The Device

The first step to analyzing your golf swing is figuring out what sort of device you're going to use to do it. While you can analyze your golf swing by having somebody record a video of you from behind while you swing, there are numerous tools that help you analyze your swing. Golf launch monitors can be set up anywhere and allow you to get tons of metrics about your swing, including ball speed, club speed, carry distance, spin rate, launch angle and more. Having all these metrics helps you understand your swing and tweak it to see which changes affect which metrics so you know what to adjust.

The Swing

Next, you need to understand what makes a good golf swing. Every part of your body plays an important role in how you swing a golf club and how the club contacts the ball. By analyzing your swing and seeing the way your body moves, you can get a better understanding of what you need to change in your swing. This could mean changing the angle of your backswing or making sure you're rotating your head to follow through with your swing. If a change results in better metrics on golf launch monitors, it's probably a good idea to implement it in your swing.

Another very important part of your golf swing is what you're doing with your legs and feet. A good swing starts with a steady foundation, which means you need to have your feet properly positioned and make the rotation with your swing to drive through and provide power. Your back foot should turn quite a bit as your body rotates and you follow through, but your front foot should provide a bit more of an anchor so your follow-through is stable. By analyzing your swing, you can get a good look at every motion and figure out what you need to fix.

With a little bit of practice, everybody can improve their golf swing. If you're not seeing the results you want, you should invest in a golf launch monitor or swing analyzer to help you change up your swing and improve your game.


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