How to Improve Indoor Air Quality Naturally

Clean air

Your home is the place you go to relax, entertain, and have fun with family and friends. You try to keep it as clean as possible and it looks that way on the surface. However, the air that you are breathing in could be damaging your health. 

What should I know about indoor air quality?

Indoor air quality is the quality of air in and around building structures and how it pertains to an individual's health and wellbeing. This is important as a homeowner because you want the quality of air in and around your home to be great. When the indoor air quality is low this can cause difficulties for people in a household. 

How can indoor air quality be reduced?

Indoor air quality decreases when a number of factors occur in a home. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), some elements that can contribute to indoor air quality is tobacco, certain building materials, household items, personal care items, HVAC systems, humidity, outdoor air pollution, as well as wood and gas appliances. Your HVAC is one of the biggest appliances in your home, so if you think it's contributing to your poor air quality, call One Call Home Services.

As you can see, many of these items are probably in your home right now, which can cause your home's air quality to decrease. When air quality is low in a household, the occupants in a home could develop serious illnesses. 

What health problems can develop due to poor indoor air quality?

Various health problems can develop, or already established illnesses can become irritated when the indoor air quality of a home is poor. Some health problems that can develop are asthma, allergies to even cancer. 

Some of these illnesses can occur after immediate exposure to poor indoor air quality such as headaches and asthma attacks. While others may not develop until years after being exposed to the low-quality indoor air. These include illnesses such as cancer and medical problems involving the heart, lung, and respiratory system. 

How can I improve my indoor air quality naturally?

One thing that you can do immediately is to open the windows and doors in your home, allowing ventilation. Ventilation removes stagnant air and allows for fresh air to enter your home. While the window is open you can also turn on a fan to get the air in your house circulating. 

Placing houseplants around your home is another natural way of improving air quality. The leaves of a plant can absorb excess moisture in a room which decreases the humidity. Humidity is a contributor to poor indoor air quality as mold and dust mites grow in this environment. 

According to Interesting Engineering, a salt lamp gets rid of low-quality indoor air. They help to eliminate air contaminants that cause asthma.

Use natural cleaning products such as vinegar and lemon when cleaning your home. Other types of cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that release pollutants and decrease your air quality.

Can you see how the air in your home could be affecting your health? Now you can work to eliminate air pollutants and take the necessary steps to improve the air quality of your home naturally. 


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