Keeping Your Home and Property Clean

Septic tank treatment is primarily used to break down large solids, dissolve tissue paper and keep the septic tank smelling fresh. This adds years of life to your portable toilet and septic tank. Without treatment, the septic system would back up due to solid waste building up and being non-biodegradable.

When using septic tank treatment, you are helping the bacteria in your portable toilets breakdown the waste into a liquid faster and more efficiently. The septic tank treatment in Valley Springs helps prevent unpleasant odors from forming by breaking down solids quickly before they have time to decompose and release foul odors.

Can You Add a Septic Tank to A Portable Toilet? 

You can add septic tank treatment to a portable toilet. This is not the norm because portable toilets are designed to be emptied regularly and do not need anything else added to them.

However, there are situations when adding septic tank treatment for portable toilets can be beneficial. For example, if you have an elderly person in your household who does not want the commode left smelling like urine or feces, then adding septic tank treatment can help keep it smelling fresh as long as it is used consistently.

There are different types of septic tank treatments that can be used in a portable toilet. Some of them deodorize only, while others clean and deodorize at the same time. It all depends on what type of smell control or cleaning action is needed for your particular situation.

Where are Portable Toilets Used?

Portable toilets are a great alternative to traditional plumbing. They are convenient, affordable and environmentally friendly, making them the ideal solution for camping trips, construction sites and outdoor events. These types of toilets work by using a chemical solution to break down waste. Here’s how:

  • When you flush your portable toilet, waste is carried into the tank via your water source (a small tank of freshwater or water from a nearby source)

  • The waste then mixes with chemicals stored inside the tank that breaks it down into liquid form.

  • The resulting liquid is then pumped out through an outlet valve in the back of the toilet

You can buy a portable toilet from portable outhouses in Sonora and have a hygienic toilet wherever your crew movies. While it may seem like you are using a septic tank when you use a portable toilet, they are actually more similar to a large bucket than a septic tank that is used in most homes.

Typically, the waste from portable toilets is transported to an on-site waste treatment facility. This means you do not need septic tank treatment for your portable toilet as the service provider takes care of this for you.


The only time that you may want to consider using a septic tank treatment product on a portable toilet is if the waste inside has become blocked and difficult to remove. If this happens, the best thing to do is contact a professional company that specializes in cleaning up spills from porta-potties.

Once they arrive at your property, they will assess the situation and determine whether or not there needs to be any type of treatment applied before emptying out old waste from your unit so it can be reused again later on!

Here Are Five Reasons Hiring a Cleaner Might Be a Great Way to Make Your Spring Better

It's spring, and that means lots of sunshine, getting back outdoors and springtime cleanup chores. The first time you throw open those windows and let the breeze in again it becomes clear how closed up your space has been. Nothing makes spring feel springier than getting things tidied up after winter loosens its grip.  

All the things that need to be done can feel daunting. Well, don't be daunted. Why not find a cleaning service that can free up some of your time? Here are five reasons that cleaning services Denver can put more spring in your spring.

Has That Pet Hair Cleaned Itself Up Yet?

After a long cozy winter with your favorite furry friends, it might not be very pleasant to look under the couch, between the cushions, or behind the dresser. Even if you keep up with it, having someone with a cleaner's eye go through your space can get the hair out of places you hadn't noticed, and freshen up those corners. This can pay off when your home is fur-free and fresh.

How Many Other Projects are There?

If you weren't cleaning the inside of your house, what else could you be doing? When you have someone cleaning your home, you have that much more time to get other things done. If your spring to-do list has more than one item on it, letting someone else tackle part of it can get you on to other projects sooner. Get that list shortened so you can have more time for yourself.

Didn't Someone Invite You to a Cookout This Weekend?

If your house was already clean, you could enjoy yourself without worrying about all the work that's left to do. If it was cleaned professionally you wouldn't be exhausted from spending your whole day cleaning. And you need to get that seven-layer dip ready. Let someone else take care of the cleaning. You'll be glad you let yourself take care of having fun.

It's Time to Get Outside Again, Isn't It?

If your free time is limited, the last thing you want to do is spend it scrubbing, mopping and dusting. Take your hiking shoes off the shelf, air up those bicycle tires and get that tent ready. Let someone else wash the windows so you can enjoy the view when you get home from whatever you like to do out there. You get to enjoy the springtime sunshine and come home to a clean house. Being outside again is the whole point of spring, right?

What if You Just Want a Break?

Maybe you don't need a reason. Maybe you just want to have someone else take care of it for you. Let's face it, spring cleaning isn't the most fun part of your year, why wouldn't you want to have it handled by a professional? Letting someone else get the cleaning done can give you a chance to get some much-needed rest.

Whatever your reason, or lack of one, give a cleaner a shot. It might just be the best springtime present you've ever given yourself. 

Three things to consider before buying your next vacuum cleaner


With such a wide array of vacuum cleaners available in today’s market, it can be difficult to know just what you should be looking for from your latest piece of cleaning kit. From finding an environmentally friendly machine to saving pennies, everyone will have their own priorities when it comes to shopping around for their perfect vacuum.  

There has been extensive research carried out to determine which are the best cleaners on the market. However, what is perfect for one household may not be suitable for another. Here, we consider three factors that could shape your decision in sourcing a new vacuum.

Lifestyle and living conditions

The specific lifestyle of your household will have a huge bearing on your search for a new vacuum, with different cleaners being more appropriate to different ways of life. Below are some of the factors you should consider when determining which is right for you.

The presence of any pets living in your home will have a huge bearing on the type of vacuum cleaners that you should be considering. Every pet owner will know that in no time at all after welcoming a furry friend into your home, floors, carpets, and upholstery will be engulfed in fur and dirt. To combat this, vacuum manufacturers have designed pet-friendly machines, equipped with special attachments and clever technology in the floor heads to clean up after your animal companions.

Another key consideration is whether you or any members of your household suffer from any allergies. Allergens, such as dust mites, can live all around your house, and some vacuums aren’t adept at removing these germs and keeping them out of your home. As a result, it is important to mitigate the risk by choosing an allergy-friendly vacuum. The key properties of this specific type of vac include strong suction to pick up any harmful substances, and a good filtration system, ideally a HETA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter.


It is a common factor to consider when investing in any piece of modern technology, and deciding how much you’re willing to spend will certainly help narrow down your search for a vacuum cleaner.

Typically, cordless vacuums will come with a greater price tag, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be the best option on the market for you. Even if you have a sizeable budget, don’t necessarily opt for the most expensive model, as this may not be suitable for your home or lifestyle.  

When considering your budget, you shouldn’t just think about the initial outlay for your new vac, as there can be ongoing costs to take into account too. For example, bagged vacuums tend to require less maintenance, but you will need to keep buying replacement bags. Whilst these don’t cost a fortune, this cost can add up over the lifespan of your cleaner. If you are more concerned about convenience than price, then consider a bagged vacuum. Bagless cleaners can be cheaper in the long run but are far messier to empty and more difficult to maintain.

Environmental impact

Whilst the average vacuum cleaner will be far from the most energy-consuming appliance in your house, it can actually have many different harmful effects on the environment in your home and the wider world.

As we mentioned before, some cleaners are more adept at removing harmful pollutants or allergens from your home than others, which could be a consideration in the buying process. In more broad terms, cordless vacuums that use lithium batteries can be very detrimental to the environment, particularly during the lithium extraction process, which uses vast amounts of water.

Another option to weigh up when considering environmental impacts is whether to opt for a bagless or bagged vacuum. Typically, bagless cleaners will be far better for the environment as they produce less waste, with the parts able to be reused again and again. Meanwhile, bagged vacuums need regular replacement, and since they will not be recyclable once filled with dust and dirt, they can add to landfills, further harming our environment.