How to Leverage Your Human Resources to Achieve Your Business Goals


Within a company, you have several assets. You have your liquid assets, your invested assets, and all the elements of your business that constitute your operational arms. But, perhaps most importantly, you have people – workers who are willing to graft for hours each week to work towards the goals you set in the board room. To leverage this all-important asset effectively, you need to work towards efficiency and productivity in your workforce, and this guide will explain how you can achieve that leap.

Managing Your Resources

Next up, you should consider how you’re organizing your workforce to get the best out of them every day. This is less about man-management and more about the structures that facilitate the efficient work of all your staff – and your ability to be flexible with workloads and projects. 

Using software developed to help HR departments can solve structural issues in your workforce, freeing up labor to work on different and more exciting projects. OKR software can help you not only organize your workforce but also spread tasks evenly between your employees – and translate goals drawn up in the board room to actionable smaller tasks for all your staff to rally around.


Amongst workers, motivation is as important as skills and knowledge. The most motivated staff will solve problems without consulting a manager and will go the extra mile to get projects finished by their deadlines and to put in the extra hours to meet their targets. In contrast, demotivated staff are far less likely to pull towards a common goal – leading your business to lower efficiency and missed targets.

Motivating your staff can be difficult. It requires a blend of contractual benefits – like better pay and perks like healthcare – and managerial nous, which will help employees feel they’re valued on a personal level. Regarding the latter, if your managers can organize frequent meetings with the staff that works under them, they’ll be able to receive and give feedback – motivating staff to feel they’re being invested in by their superiors.

Incentives and Rewards

Finally, if you’re pushing to get your business to the next level, you’ll be setting ambitious targets that all of your workforce will be striving towards. Whether those targets involve sales figures, profit percentages, overhead cost reductions, or marketing successes, it’s important to set these goals – but also then offer incentives and rewards for staff when you manage to hit them. 

A reward can take many forms. An office party can help you celebrate when you hit the customer figures you’ve been aiming for, while an investment in your office environment, following a successful scale-up, can reward employees by improving the space in which they work. You should also consider personal rewards – like vouchers, pay rises, or company-wide recognition – for those whose work contributes the most to the realization of your business goals in 2020 and beyond.

Use these three tips to leverage your human resources for the good of your business, making your staff a key asset in your up-scaling and target-meeting.