Save Time When Recruiting Staff
recruitment Kristin Marquet recruitment Kristin Marquet

Save Time When Recruiting Staff

Recruiting can be just about as exciting as watching paint dry but even worse it is time-consuming and often expensive. Well, although I can’t guarantee it will be any less boring in the future, I can help you to save time when hiring new staff, which will also save you some money too. 

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How to Retain Your Employees
Employee Management Kristin Marquet Employee Management Kristin Marquet

How to Retain Your Employees

There is one thing that employers cannot afford to ignore: engagement and engagement with their employees. It's very easy to put out information and hire new people, but it's also very expensive to do that. Being the type of business with such a high turnover can make you quite unfavorable among applicants when they're looking for a job. If they notice that you're churning out employees faster than you're hiring them, then they're going to see there's something wrong with your retention strategy.

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Why Aren't Your Team Members Working Together?
Team work Kristin Marquet Team work Kristin Marquet

Why Aren't Your Team Members Working Together?

If you don’t feel as though your team are working together as they should be then now is the time for you to do something about that. If you do not fix the issues you are having right now then you may find that over time, they end up getting worse and this can put you in a very bad position overall.

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