Finding the Right Media Contacts and How to Land Media Coverage in National Magazines, Newspapers, and Websites

Finding the Right Media Contacts and How to Land Media Coverage in National Magazines

Knowing the right media professionals to contact during a PR campaign is only half the battle. I know, it may seem boring trying to figure out the right media professionals to pitch, but this sort of information is absolutely essential. 

Getting Started 

Generic email addresses like or are very rarely monitored. So, here’s how you can start. (Just keep the following in mind while you’re going through the process—never send one of the same pitches to 10 or 20 different media outlets. If you do, that’s one way to kill a relationship before it even started. Consider how many times you receive emails that are mass-market, not personalized, or unsolicited. How often do you open and answer them? Probably never. The same goes for the media.

Get out a piece of paper and pen so you can start writing out your top 10 to 20 media outlets where you think your story can fit. Now that you have that list, it’s time to find the right media contact at that publication, but this will depend on your product or service. My first place to start researching is Google. I will start by searching the “Editor beat + media outlet” name. If I can’t find the right person there, then I will look at Twitter or Instagram. 

Now, to determine where your story can potentially fit, you need to understand the following types of jobs and the functions they have. Some of the most common are: 

Editorial Assistant – These titles are charged with managing administrative tasks and they are not the right contact to pitch a story. 

Managing Editor – These editors are senior-level and determine which stories are accepted; however, they’re not the right contacts because they don’t look to feature new products or services.

Senior Editor – These media professionals usually oversee one section or a beat of a publication. They can be accountable for developing story ideas, crafting/editing articles, assigning stories to freelancers/contributors, or collaborating with the design department. These media pros can be great for pitching your products and services.

Features Editor – These media professionals are usually in charge of assigning stories to staff reporters or junior staff as well as for producing feature stories. You can pitch these editors with longer story ideas (between 1,000 - 2,000 words) but pitch them sparingly.

Digital or Web Editor – These editors are responsible for sourcing and developing web content by supervising staff reporters or freelancers. In most cases, pitching for online product placement coverage is appropriate. 

You now have an understanding of each editorial role so take a look at your list. Are your top ones the right ones to pitch? If not, then keep searching.

Drafting Your Pitch for Online or Print Media

Now that you completed that first step, it’s time to craft a pitch that’s concise and interesting. Below, are some tips to help you jumpstart the brainstorming process. 

To begin, make sure your pitch is newsworthy. So, for example, if you're trying to get media coverage for your new footwear collection, your pitch is going to be different depending on which season you’re pitching.  

Why don’t you try tying your pitch to the time of year or an affair that’s happening in the news at that moment? For example, Summer, Winter, Christmas, or Halloween are all great media tie-ins. If there’s a one media outlet where you’d like to be featured, you can also offer it an exclusive story which simply means that you provide that media outlet the first option to run a story. Just make sure no other outlet covers that same story until that exclusive piece is printed.

Your Perfect Subject Line

You only have one to two seconds to capture the attention of an editor with a pitch. In fact, most editors and television producers receive upwards of 600 pitches a day, so your subject line is the single most important piece of your pitch. It needs to be timely, relevant, and concise. It should also be: 

  • Limited to eight words or few (I try to keep mine between five and six words)

  • Include the name of the outlet you’re pitching

  • Include what you’re pitching (i.e., a feature, event, or demo)

Here's one example from an agency client:

Feature: Stylish Women’s Sustainable Fashion at Affordable Prices 


To build media relationships, you need to ensure your pitch is tailored to the editor’s column and matches the outlet’s tone. But the first place is start is by addressing the editor or producer by spelling their name correctly. Using a generic salutation such as “Hi”, "To whom it may concern", or “Dear Team”. Because your email isn’t expected, it doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be customized.

The body of any pitch you send out should be between limited to 500 words—this includes the brand narrative, bullet or talking points, and the bio or boilerplate. This format enables the editor or producer to skim it for the most important points in a few seconds. Keep in mind that editors see boring and unexciting constantly, and your only job here is to keep the reader reading and respond for more information. Stay away from including filler words such as “leading”, "premium", "leading", "innovative", and "superior"—you will sound like every other pitch. Add a line about what you’re pitching for, whether there’s a demo that can be scheduled, or samples available.

At the end of the pitch, include a short bio (if you’re pitching yourself for a feature story or interview) or a boilerplate (if you’re pitching your company, product, or service). For media bios, include your accolades, hobbies, and contact information, and for boilerplates, include your company background, history, and overview. Be sure to include your contact information.

Final tip: Include a link to images on or links to your website. Don’t send attachments because the media won’t open them. 

What Happens After the Pitch:

Don’t panic if you don’t receive response from an editor within a few days after sending your initial email. You can send a follow up pitch a few days after your initial pitch, and then one more time a few days after that if you didn’t receive a response. Any additional follow ups will annoy the editor.  

Be sure not to ask an editor if they received your email and if your story is going to run—it’s irritating. Only send a thank you note after your story is published or after your interview.

 Pitching for Television

Pitching for television is a bit different than pitching print and online media. Searching for the right media contact—a television producer or assignment reporter—can be done via a Google search or on Twitter but it’s tricky because television shows have many different producers and reporters. You can call the news desk asking for the reporter or producer who covers your topic. can be a good source for contacts as well.

Writing a Pitch for Television:

When it comes to writing a pitch for television, it must contain a specific story or segment idea. So, for instance, pitching an easy yet healthy cooking segment during the holidays if you’re a chef can be a great idea.

The Subject Line:

Just like your print or digital pitch, your subject line needs to be interesting and concise to maximize the chances of capturing a producer’s attention. Your subject line should be:

  • Limited to eight words or fewer

  • Include the name and segment of the outlet you’re pitching

  • You can use “Int” as an abbreviation for “Interview”


You’ll want to ensure that your pitch shows you know the format of the show and where your segment would fit.

 Here are some tips:

·       Your pitch should include a short sub-headline in the beginning of your pitch to hook the reader.

·       Address the producer or assignment reporter by their first name by spelling their name correctly. It drives me crazy whenever I receive a pitch with my name spelled “Kristen” when it’s spelled “Kristin”. Do your research.

·       Your pitch should be 500 words or fewer including the brand narrative, bullet points or talking points, and the boilerplate or bio.

·       Be sure to include your reel so the producer can see how you show on television. Producers won’t put anyone on television unless they see you’re confident and comfortable.

·       Just like online and print, send a follow up email a few days after sending the original pitch. You can follow one or two more times before moving onto the next producer.



It's Not Too Late To Get Media Coverage This Year!

FemFounder Magazines

How to Create a Publicity Campaign that Produces Results Now!

Whether you're a brand new start-up or you're an established company with 100 employees, your business can benefit from publicity now.

With the third quarter right around the corner, why not start creating a publicity plan that can help your brand or small business get media coverage right now? Create a plan that will help reach your objectives and stay on track right through the end of the year with the simple step-by-step publicity plan below.

Step 1: Goal and Objective Setting

Determine what your goals and objectives are for the rest of the year.

  • Do you want to raise awareness for your small business, brand, or blog?

  • Are you looking to partner with social media stars, D-list celebrities, and other influencers?

  • Do you want to get more website traffic and increase your email subscriber base?

  • Are you looking to increase sales?

  • Do you want to launch a new product or service? Expand into new markets?

  • Are you looking to enhance your small business, brand, or blog goodwill?

  • Do you want to position yourself as a thought leader or expert within your industry?

  • Is your business or blog receiving negative comments on review sites? Do you need to protect your small business, brand, or blog's reputation?

  • Is your small business, brand, or blog going through a public issue or a crisis?

Once you know what you want to achieve, you'll be able to start all of the following activities.

Step 2: Defining Your Target Audience

The key to long-term success is to zero in on your target audience(s).

  • How old is your target market?

  • What are the hobbies and interests?

  • What publications do they read and what television shows do they watch?

  • What type of lifestyle do they have?

  • Where are they located?

  • What are their shopping habits?

  • Are they active online and on social media?

  • What's the most important quality they look for in a business? Quality? Price? Customer service?

Try to get as specific as possible here.  

Step 3: Swot Analysis

If you haven't seen a SWOT Analysis before, this is the area where you'll analyze your brand's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. While SWOT's are generally used in marketing and business plans, they can be hugely beneficial when used in a publicity plan too.

  1. A strength exists internally and is something in which your organization excels.

  2. A weakness exists internally and is a limitation or an area that could be improved.

  3. An opportunity exists externally, and is something that's positive and can be used to gain an advantage.

  4. A threat exists externally and is something that can potentially harm an organization.

Your SWOT analysis will be one of the most important positioning and competitive analysis elements of your publicity campaign.

Step 4: Messaging

Messages serve as the foundation of your publicity efforts and should be consistent across forms of communication. But before you start developing your messaging platform, consider the following.

  • What will you include?

  • What points do you want to make?

  • What tone will you use?

  • What's your brand's personality?

Again, get as specific as possible here. You're better off limiting each point of communication to three messages or less.

Step 5: Tactical Outreach/Channels of Communication

Determine what media outlets you'd like to target.

  • Are you looking to get coverage online, in print, on television, or on the radio?

  • What media outlets will you pitch?

  • Are you pitching within the outlet's editorial calendar deadline?

  • Does your product fit perfectly into a specific section of that media outlet?

How will you communicate your messages to the media? Email? Telephone? In person meetings?

Step 6: Measurement and Evaluation

Determine how you will measure and evaluate your publicity efforts. You need to be able to track how each piece of media coverage impacts your website traffic, email subscribers, leads, and sales to make sure you're hitting your objectives.

Step 7: Budget

What resources do you have available to start your publicity campaign?

Will you manage your campaign yourself or you will outsource it to a freelancer or a PR firm?  

Step 8: Timeline

How long will your publicity campaign run?

How often will you measure and evaluate your progress?

Is publicity part of your marketing strategy? If so, how far in advance did you make your plan? Describe your comments in the section below.

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