Benefits To CNG

Benefits To CNG

Within the last decade, CNG vehicles have become much more popular. The main reason for this is because cng fueling station construction has taken off which mass made access to CNG much more convenient. There are several benefits that make CNG a much better fuel source for the environment than traditional gasoline or diesel. Let's go over what some of the benefits of CNG are.


CNG is cleaner than that of gasoline or diesel. To give you an idea, CNG vehicles account for only 5-10 percent of the emissions even allowable by today's most stringent standards. This means that CNG vehicles produce 20 to 30 percent fewer greenhouses gases than their gasoline or diesel counterparts.

Natural gas is one of the cleanest fuels when burning and could reduce ground-level ozone by as much 95 percent of vehicles in America all ran off of CNG. Carbon dioxide emissions would also be cut by as much as 30 percent and carbon monoxide would be cut by as much as 85 percent. The real kicker here for places like LA or New York that are used to smog is that CNG would reduce particulate carcinogenic emissions by as much as 99 percent!

Long Engine Life

Due to how clean natural gas burns, it can greatly extend the life of the engines using it. Not only can you get quite a bit more mileage out of a car or truck, but the engines will also operate without making as much noise and are virtually odorless. With a CNG truck, you can push on the accelerator without having a plume of black smoke coming out of your truck that makes everyone plug their nose.

Low Contamination

Gasoline and Diesel have a bad rap as the consequences of an oil spill are disastrous. Oil spills can wipe out species and completely destroy wildlife. Natural gas won't contaminate ground water, so the risk of contamination in the event of a spill or leak is extremely minimal. This makes CNG much safer when it comes to human operator error, which is usually always to blame when mistakes happen.

With all of the benefits that natural gas has over diesel and gasoline, it's a little disheartening that it isn't used more prevalently in today's society. With climate change affecting everyone, making a push to run more vehicles on natural gas is an important step that the world needs to take in order to reduce carbon emissions.

5 Ways Your Business Could Go More Green

Green business

If you're trying to restructure your company to become more focused on green practices, then you'll want to spend some time considering your daily habits and regular expenditures. Most likely, there are several ways that you could minimize your waste, becoming a more efficient office space. Therefore, dedicate some time to thinking about the following five areas.

1. Invest in Environmentally Friendly Supplies

When you purchase your stock cleaning items, chances are you are putting a lot out on things that simply get tossed in the end. You may want to switch gears, avoiding consumables and, instead, focusing on reusable products. For instance, don't purchase soap containers each time, have refill stations. In addition, paper towels, while functional, add up over time. While the immediate cost could be small buying recycled cleaning rags may be a better option. They'll often absorb messes better. They can then be washed and used again.

2. Have Your Utility's Assessed

Don't hesitate to audit the overall system. Your local utility company often does this for free, determining where you can cut back on electricity and water. In addition, plumbers and electricians can come in, recommending any changes to lighting or pipes. Sometimes the switch could save you from using excess.

3. Go Paperless

In today's world, there isn't much need to print everything. In fact, the papers are often lost, crumpled, and dismissed. Technology makes it easier to store, organize, and locate what you need. Encourage customers and employees to do whatever they can on the computer. Have receipts emailed out? Send contracts online. It's less hassle and helps the environment.

4. Establish Recycle Programs

Next to each trash receptacle place a recycling bin. Clearly label what can be put inside. In some states, places can't reuse anything that is contaminated with food or liquid. In fact, you may need to have separate ones for paper versus plastic. When it's easy to deposit in the appropriate spot, habits can form faster. 

5. Assess Your Packaging Materials

What are you using to mail out or wrap up your stock? Investigate alternatives. For example, can you switch to something that is reusable? Perhaps you could biodegradable filler? Styrofoam peanuts were previously dismissed because they take so long to break down. Newer versions, however, are crafted with corn, helping them turn into compost sooner.

Think about the Earth and your establishment. Select one or two methods that may help you and your staff make the planet a bit cleaner.