Advantages of Smartphones and IP-Based PTT
Business Tools Kristin Marquet Business Tools Kristin Marquet

Advantages of Smartphones and IP-Based PTT

When you need to share vital data quickly and without delay, push-to-talk is a long-used and effective form of communication. Used in many high-stress professions and those where time is critical, traditional PTT communication makes use of radio waves and specific cellular networks such as iDen. As technology has improved, these older systems have been phased out for newer backends, such as smartphone push to talk and radio over IP.

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The Power Of Tech And Automation In Accelerating Business Growth
Business Tools Kristin Marquet Business Tools Kristin Marquet

The Power Of Tech And Automation In Accelerating Business Growth

Every single business owner on the planet wants to get things done in an efficient manner. Whether they own an online business or they have a store, getting things done quickly means more money can be made. Of course, this might also mean people rush to get things done and then promote a severe lack of quality. Thankfully, in this day and age, there are plenty of things that can be done in order to boost both quality and efficiency. In this post, we are going to be talking about technology and automation - and how implementing more will only accelerate business growth.

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Top 10 Technology Trends for Business
Tech, Business Tools Kristin Marquet Tech, Business Tools Kristin Marquet

Top 10 Technology Trends for Business

This year a number of emerging trends in technology have had an impact on how people do business. Cloud service and data management providers have been running the show, due to the increased threat to cybersecurity. Advances in production have been made with the introduction of artificial intelligence, and many fields have benefited from automated transactions.

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