Editorial Guidelines for FemFounder.com Contributors
Welcome to the FemFounder.com content management system. As you get started, please ensure your profile includes:
A professional headshot - at least 1000 pixels wide (in .jpg or .png format)
Your professional byline
Your email address
Links to your preferred social media profiles to enhance credibility and help our readers connect with you
Content Essentials
We've established these essential editorial guidelines to uphold the originality and consistency of our site's content. Adherence to them is crucial when preparing your submissions.
Originality is Paramount: Your articles must be original and not previously published, including on personal blogs or other platforms.
Desired Content: We are interested in articles that bring new insights into current events, in-depth analyses of trending topics, and timeless content that remains relevant. Our focus areas include startups, entrepreneurship, leadership, technology, marketing, and finance. Make sure your contributions align with these themes.
Word Count: Articles should ideally be 750 words long. While we consider shorter articles of high quality, aiming for 750 to 1200 words is beneficial.
Engaging Titles: Captivate readers with intriguing titles. Keep them concise and formatted in Title Case.
Grammar and Style:
Avoid using exclamation points (!), ellipses (...), slashes (/), and ampersands (&).
Use lowercase for common nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.
Maintain a professional tone throughout your writing.
Linking Guidelines:
External Links: You must include at least one link to a reputable source. Limit excessive and promotional linking.
Internal Links: Whenever relevant, link to our links that make sense.
Your Links: You are not permitted to link to your website or a client's website without our permission. Any non-approved links will be deleted or the article will not be accepted.
Conflicts of Interest: Refrain from self-promotion or overt advertising. Your writing should remain objective.
Categories and Tags: Limit your article to one or two categories. Use a minimum of three and a maximum of five tags.
Keyword Optimization: To broaden your reach, add your main keyword to the article title, URL, H1 tag, meta description, and article itself.
Structured Headers: Use headers to organize your content better, employing Title Case for all headers.
Paragraph Structure: Keep paragraphs short (two to three sentences) for better readability, especially on mobile devices.
Featured Image: Prefer stock images or photos of people/teams. Ensure pictures are under 1000 pixels in width or height. Logos are not allowed.
Content Publishing System: If you have any issues or questions, please get in touch with your editor.
Before Submission:
Ensure your articles are proofread using tools like Grammarly or Google Docs. This step helps reduce editing time and improves accuracy.
You are responsible for your content's factual accuracy. Our editors will review your submissions, but you must ensure that all information presented is credible and properly attributed.
Editorial Discretion:
Our editors reserve the right to:
Make edits for grammar, spelling, syntax, and format. Please note, we use Oxford commas.
Modify headlines, subheadings, and text for better clarity and engagement.
Adjust content for length, relevance, clarity, and style. Significant changes will be communicated for your review.
Remove links to offensive or overly commercial content.
Content publication may be delayed until all guidelines are met. For post-publication errors or concerns, promptly contact your editor.
Refer to the AP-style cheat sheet for additional style considerations. Your commitment to these standards is crucial in maintaining FemFounder.com as a respected source for our audience.