10 Reasons Why Asphalt Paving is so Popular

Asphalt paving is one of the most popular ways to pave a driveway, roadway, or parking lot. There are many reasons why asphalt is so popular, including its durability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Here are ten reasons why asphalt paving is so popular:

1. Cost-Effectiveness

Asphalt is a very cost-effective paving material. It is less expensive than concrete and can be installed much faster, saving labor costs. The initial cost of asphalt paving Seattle-based may be higher than other paving materials, but it will last much longer, so it is a more cost-effective option in the long run. It is also easy to repair, saving on costs over time.

2. Durability

Asphalt is a very durable paving material that can withstand a lot of wear and tear. It is resistant to cracking and breaking and can last many years with proper maintenance. It is also not susceptible to damage from salt or other chemicals often used on roads in winter.

3. Flexibility

Asphalt is a very flexible paving material, which makes it ideal for use on driveways and parking lots that see a lot of traffic. It can also be used in various temperatures, from hot to cold. Asphalt is also less likely to settle than other materials, so that it can provide a smoother driving surface.

4. Easy to Install

Asphalt is relatively easy to install, especially when compared to concrete. It can be installed quickly and doesn't require as much prep work as other materials. This makes it ideal for busy homeowners or businesses who don't have much time to wait for their new driveway or parking lot.

5. Easy to Repair

Asphalt is also relatively easy to repair. If there are small cracks or holes, they can be filled in with new asphalt. You can repair larger areas by resurfacing the entire area. Asphalt repair is much less expensive than concrete repair and can be done quickly and easily. This makes it a good option for busy homeowners or businesses who don't have the time or money to repair concrete.

6. Low Maintenance

Asphalt requires very little maintenance once it is installed. It doesn't need to be sealed or resealed like concrete and doesn't require as much regular cleaning. This makes it a low-maintenance option ideal for busy homeowners or businesses.

7. Aesthetically Pleasing

Asphalt paving can look like many other types of paving, including brick and stone pavers. It can also be stained or colored to match the surrounding area. Asphalt is a versatile paving material that you can use to create various looks.

8. Resistant to Weather

Asphalt is resistant to weathering and doesn't require as many repairs in the winter. It is also less likely to develop potholes than other materials. This makes it ideal for use in areas that experience a lot of snow and ice.

9. Quieter

Asphalt paving is much quieter than concrete paving. This is because asphalt absorbs sound rather than reflects it like concrete does. Asphalt is often used on roads and highways to reduce noise pollution.

10. Sustainable

Asphalt is a sustainable paving material that can be recycled and reused. Asphalt pavement can be ground up and used as a base material for new asphalt pavement or other projects. This makes it a very eco-friendly paving option.


Asphalt paving is a popular choice for many homeowners and businesses because of its benefits. It is cost-effective, durable, flexible, easy to install and repair, low-maintenance, aesthetically pleasing, resistant to weather, quieter, and sustainable. Asphalt is an excellent option to consider if you are looking for a new paving material for your home or business.

Ways to Save Money on Luxury Home Insurance by Improving Your Habits

Home insurance is not cheap. However, it pays to research your policy to ensure you get the best deal possible. Homeowners also need to ensure that they have not missed anything that could lead to a higher premium or a claim being denied. Here are tips to help you save money on your home insurance.

Check Your Policy Renewal Notice Carefully

When renewing luxury home insurance packages and policies, it pays to read through the renewal letter. Ensure that everything is correct before signing it off and sending it back. Make sure that the amount of the premium stated on the renewal notice is only increased by inflation. It is also crucial to ensure no extra charges or new items that might push up your premium in subsequent years. If you do not note any changes at this point, you may miss something important when it comes time for your policy to be renewed next year.

Keep Your Policy Details Updated

While you should regularly check your policy details throughout the year, you must check them each time you renew it. This applies even if you had renewed a policy before and had no problems. There is still a chance you will have to claim in the future. Therefore, it pays to check over your policy thoroughly before the renewal period starts. Be sure to keep an eye on your mail and your calendar for any reminder dates for when the renewal cycle begins. This might also help ensure that nothing slips through the net. Most insurance companies will give you at least three months' notice when they want to send out renewal notices.

Look at the Home Insurance Alternative

Most insurance policies are based upon what is known as a standard form. These usually come with a basic level of cover. However, they allow for some flexibility in how you customize your cover. Some forms can be customized to hide certain risks that have been highlighted in your renewal notice. This is to avoid having them listed on your policy when they are not applicable. It can be helpful if you want to choose the most suitable type of home insurance for you, whether it is because of your age or any relevant coverage issues.

Pay for Home Insurance According to the Value of Your Home

When you buy a property, it Is normal to assume that you will be able to sell it at any point in the future. However, this does not always happen. Some people find themselves unable to sell their homes in a quick enough time frame. It might pay to consider paying for home insurance year by year. Real estate investors should also consider choosing policies with a higher level of cover when they can afford them. Suppose you decide to take an approach with a higher premium linked to your property's value. In that case, there will be no surprises once the claim comes in.

Check the Home Insurance Review Sites

Many different websites can help you research the best deals available. The sites help you find the right type of home insurance to suit you. For example, some concentrate on specific types of cover, such as burglary or theft, or those that can be tailored to suit an individual's needs. There are also sites dedicated to particular areas or even specific counties in which you might live.

Luxury home insurance has gotten significantly more expensive over the last few years. Many people seek to avoid high costs by self-educating themselves on home practices and shopping habits. With this knowledge, homeowners can take advantage of ways to save money on their insurance premiums.

Open Concept Kitchen Ideas for Your Home


Wanting to redesign your kitchen? Many homeowners are making the switch to an open concept kitchen design. While you may not be sold on an open concept for your space, there are many benefits. Here are a few ideas that may persuade you to think differently about open concept kitchens.

1. Secret Storage

One of the big differences of an open concept kitchen is the storage. Because your kitchen seamlessly blends into the living area of your home, your storage needs to look clean and sleek. Having a kitchen with obvious storage can make it feel cluttered and disorganized. 

Although it may seem like you don’t have storage space, you will have plenty of it! Your cabinets can blend into the walls to make your kitchen area seem more open. Open concept kitchens are great for homes that tend to have a smaller kitchen space.

2. Color Scheme

While many open kitchens typically use one or two colors throughout the space, you can choose accent colors to make your space pop. If you have a kitchen island, you could choose a bold color to make it stand out from the rest. 

Or you could choose a two-tone color scheme. Your walls and countertops could be one color while your cabinets are another. To make the rooms flow together even more, choose colors that complement each other.

3. Themes

Want to go for a specific theme? Open concept kitchens are great for bringing themed kitchens to life! However, you don’t want to go overboard with too many decorations. Instead, use the style of your cabinets, furniture and wall color to bring a theme to life. 

For example, if you are wanting a French theme for your kitchen, consider adding leather bar stools, subway tiles, French doors, a rustic dining table, and more. These elements of your open concept kitchen will help fulfill your theme and make it seem like a natural space.

4. Kitchen Shape

Depending on the size of your space and how much of a renovation you want to take on, there are a wide variety of open concept shapes to consider. Many homeowners choose an L-shape open kitchen concept due to space limitations. 

If you have more space available, you can choose a one-wall modular kitchen, gallery kitchen, U-shaped, G-shaped, or many other options. You will want to evaluate how often you utilize the kitchen, how much space you will need, and any future plans when selecting your open concept kitchen shape.

Final Thoughts

Kitchen design has come a long way throughout the years. Every type of kitchen offers a variety of advantages and disadvantages. If you’re wanting an open kitchen concept, there are many ideas you can use to create the kitchen of your dreams. 

From storage, color scheme, themes, and shape, you are the only one who can determine what is right for you and your family’s needs. Open kitchen concepts are growing in popularity and offer many benefits. Is it time for you to upgrade your space?

Make the Most of the Life of Your Paint

paint cans

Paint is an economical way to change up the look of a space or object. There are endless color options and textures when you think of the many exterior and interior uses for paint. However, painting a room and expecting the color to last for years is impractical, as touch up work will inevitably be needed after scuffs and scratches occur. Rather than heading back to the store and trying to match paint colors or sheens, maximizing the life of your paint can be the most efficient and cost-effective way to keep your things looking in tip-top shape. Here are some tips for making the most of the life of your paint.

Choose a Storage Location

Water-based and latex paints can have a shelf-life of up to two years when you choose the right storage location. In times past, paint could through all kinds of weather extremes, but new paint products made with lower Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) tend to change texture after freezing temperatures. Any metal paint cans should be stored up on wood, plastic, or metal shelving rather than a concrete floor to help prevent rusting on the paint can. You should also keep your paint in a dry location where freezing temperatures don’t affect the paint composition.

Choose a Storage Container

It is easy to simply throw the can of paint on the shelf and leave it there until you need it again. However, if you choose different storage containers like a smaller can, an air-tight plastic container, or a glass jar,  you can extend or preserve the lifespan of your paint. The less airspace in the can, the more you can reduce how quickly your paint will start to dry out.

For a space-saving tip and a way to preserve the color in the can, use an old water bottle. If there is just a little bit of paint in the can, pour it into a water bottle and drop in marble. You can use the marble to help shake up the bottle when you need to paint. You probably don’t have access to a lid press paint can close, but there are other ways to get an airtight seal to preserve your paint. Covering the opening of the lid with plastic wrap before putting the lid. Then, store the container upside down to prevent air from getting in the container and reinforce the seal.

If you follow these tips, you can keep your paint fresh and extend the life of your well-chosen color. Carefully label your cans and colors, and you will be ready for touch-up or a whole new project.