Make the Most of the Life of Your Paint

paint cans

Paint is an economical way to change up the look of a space or object. There are endless color options and textures when you think of the many exterior and interior uses for paint. However, painting a room and expecting the color to last for years is impractical, as touch up work will inevitably be needed after scuffs and scratches occur. Rather than heading back to the store and trying to match paint colors or sheens, maximizing the life of your paint can be the most efficient and cost-effective way to keep your things looking in tip-top shape. Here are some tips for making the most of the life of your paint.

Choose a Storage Location

Water-based and latex paints can have a shelf-life of up to two years when you choose the right storage location. In times past, paint could through all kinds of weather extremes, but new paint products made with lower Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) tend to change texture after freezing temperatures. Any metal paint cans should be stored up on wood, plastic, or metal shelving rather than a concrete floor to help prevent rusting on the paint can. You should also keep your paint in a dry location where freezing temperatures don’t affect the paint composition.

Choose a Storage Container

It is easy to simply throw the can of paint on the shelf and leave it there until you need it again. However, if you choose different storage containers like a smaller can, an air-tight plastic container, or a glass jar,  you can extend or preserve the lifespan of your paint. The less airspace in the can, the more you can reduce how quickly your paint will start to dry out.

For a space-saving tip and a way to preserve the color in the can, use an old water bottle. If there is just a little bit of paint in the can, pour it into a water bottle and drop in marble. You can use the marble to help shake up the bottle when you need to paint. You probably don’t have access to a lid press paint can close, but there are other ways to get an airtight seal to preserve your paint. Covering the opening of the lid with plastic wrap before putting the lid. Then, store the container upside down to prevent air from getting in the container and reinforce the seal.

If you follow these tips, you can keep your paint fresh and extend the life of your well-chosen color. Carefully label your cans and colors, and you will be ready for touch-up or a whole new project.


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