4 Rules to Maintain at Your Business as COVID-19 Fatigue Sets In

4 Rules to Maintain at Your Business as COVID-19 Fatigue Sets In

As your company adjusts to the novel coronavirus pandemic, it's hard to strike a balance between staying in business and keeping everyone safe. While you need to make enough money to support your family, your priority must be your employees' and customers' safety. Even though you notice people becoming sick of safety regulations, continue to follow these guidelines.

1. Sanitize Your Workspace Heavily

Before the pandemic began, you probably never thought about wiping down cash registers in between cashiers or washing the bathroom after each use. Unfortunately, those easy days are gone for now. You must remain vigilant about sanitizing every high-use surface, such as doorknobs, cabinet handles, and keyboards, throughout the workday. Use alcohol-or bleach-based wipes and toilet bowl cleaner to take care of hourly cleanings, and ask a professional service such as MGS Supply and Services to perform regular sanitizations after hours. Depending on the size of your workplace, assign each employee an area to clean every hour, or have everyone take a day to do all the cleaning.

2. Enforce Good Mask-Wearing Habits

At the beginning of the pandemic, it was difficult to find face masks unless you or a loved one could sew. Now, though, masks are readily available, and there is no excuse for going into a building without one. Most people are used to mask-wearing mandates, but they try still try to get around regulations. Watch out for people whose noses stick out of their masks or who have folded their masks so that their chins are exposed. Both of these habits negate the purpose of wearing a mask. Station an employee near your entrance to remind people about mask-wearing protocols, and have all your employees ask customers to leave if they will not wear their facial coverings.

3. Hold Meetings Virtually

You and your employees need to maintain social distancing and avoid congregating in your staff room. This means that most of your meetings need to be virtual, even if it's just between you and another person. Use videoconferencing software such as Google Meet or Zoom to schedule and hold your meetings. While it's annoying to meet online, you're more likely to keep your meetings short and to the point, saving you time and improving your employees' morale.

4. Watch Your Area's Statistics

The pandemic is constantly changing. Even if your area has a low caseload this week, there's no guaranteeing what it will be like in a few days. Keep an eye on your region's positivity and hospitalization rates at all times. Know your state's thresholds for returning to stay-at-home orders or reopening so that a change in your area's phase doesn't catch you by surprise.

These regulations are annoying, and at this point, you're so exhausted and stressed that you just want to give up. However, if you want to stay in business during the pandemic, you need to maintain high standards. That way, you can support your family without the guilt of putting them and your employees at risk.

This Is My Brand - Look At Me

Branding tips

Whether you’ve just launched your new venture or you’re an established business trying to appeal to a broad audience, getting your brand noticed can be challenging. There is nothing more disheartening for entrepreneurs than pouring a lot of love and energy into creating a brand that nobody sees. Markets are a hugely competitive space, which is why no company can expect to become a sensation overnight. Bringing a new brand to the market is a strategic process that requires market research and dedicated marketing and commercial operations. 

However, a common mistake for entrepreneurs is to invest too much time into marketing and commercial activities and fail to build a memorable brand. Here are some of the reasons why people don’t notice your brand on the market: 

Your website is too clichéd

You can’t launch a business with a substantial digital presence. Therefore, your website acts as an introductory platform to your business, and therefore your brand. Now more than ever, the website is the first point of contact between your audience group and your brand. Consequently, your website design plays a significant role in making a positive first impression.

Creating a recognizable and identifiable presence goes beyond content generation. The choice of your domain name already says a lot about your brand. A domain name that includes your main keyword can be easier to remember for visitors. Additionally, your choice of layout and colors will influence their perception. A website that looks like every other or tap into the most popular color palettes with no branding effort is likely to fall into oblivion. If you look and behave like every other business, nobody will care to remember you. 

Your branding doesn’t say anything about you

Your branding visual needs to express the values and personality of your business. As mentioned above, colors are meaningful, and they need to be part of conscious decisions. A red brand tag, for instance, feels energetic. A blue palette expresses a calm and B2B approach – ideal for financial or IT systems, for example. It can be helpful to trial different color schemes with your brand logo to make sure you can find the most meaningful variant. Another essential tip is to opt for a design that conveys the right message. A tool such as Vividloom can let you experiment to generate a logo that fits your business. 

Oh, we do a bit of everything

Your business is not a convenient store. You need to choose your mission carefully. No company can offer a vast range of products or services and make it work. Your customers want a good reason to choose your brand over competitors, which is where your unique selling proposition plays a significant role. Take a look at some of the brand-defining USPs on the market. 

Uber: The smartest way to get around

Slack: Be more productive at work with less effort

CrazyEgg: Website behavior tracking at an unbeatable price

The brand USP should focus on your unique specialty, promoting the very thing that makes you stand out from the crowd. You can’t please everyone; therefore, focused USPs are crucial to define brands. 

In conclusion, an entrepreneur can’t afford to make their brand appear flavorless. To stand out, you need to steer away from being a generic business that does everything that other companies do and look like any other venture. You’re unique, so make sure your brand reflects your unrivaled and inimitable business personality. 

Increasing Your Brand’s Reach Online

How to increase brand awareness

With the average person spending upwards of three hours online each and every day, failing to make the most of the opportunity to easily market your business to the masses could be the make or break factor between your success and failure.

To make a respectable profit in the modern world, you have to take the leap and develop your reach online using several different methods and pathways for maximum effectiveness. Luckily it needn’t be as difficult as you might expect to begin attracting a larger following online, as there are many simple tips and tricks that can be utilized to increase your reach in no time at all. So, if you would like to find out more, then read on to uncover some of the best ideas and concepts that you can make the most of today to boost your business now! 

Sign Up on Social Media 

One of the most effective ideas that you can utilize to increase your reach online involves signing up to social media. The most popular social media platforms have hundreds of millions, if not billions, of users that are ready and waiting for new content, profiles, and products. It’s so easy to make a social media account, as you need nothing more than an email address to get started!

The option to create a specific business account will provide you with more relevant features that relate to promotions and insights, so always choose this if it becomes available. Gathering enough followers online takes a lot of work, as you need to make engaging, inspiring posts that can attract users to sign up and see more. However, if you do sufficient research into the trends and popular concepts on social media, you will be able to make your mark on the platform and begin to spread the word about your brand. 

Invest In Shopping Applications 

In recent years, the rise in shopping applications is inspiring businesses to outsource services to find more leads. Many users utilize shopping applications to find the best deals on all manner of items, from clothing to stationery, furniture, and more. Choosing to host your products on such an application could lead to a considerable increase in sales, as you are able to make the most of a whole new market of customers that another brand has already managed to maintain. If you want to find out more about how you can outsource shopping applications services to benefit your brand’s reach, then simply click here to uncover the inspiration you need to get started today. 

Increasing your brand’s reach online has never been so simple when you are able to make the most of the top tips and tricks detailed above! Start off by creating your own business social media profiles on the most popular platforms, and post attractive, inspiring content to entice as many followers as you can. Invest in shopping applications to spread the word about your business across the web with ease!

Corporate Balloons: Ideas And Printing Information

Corporate balloons

How many times have you gone to a party and saw fantastic balloons with messages printed on them?

These look great and they are booming in popularity at the moment. People can print special messages on the balloons, they can have photos printed on them, or they can incorporate a mix of the two; the possibilities are certainly vast.

For businesses, this presents an exceptional branding opportunity! It could also be a selling opportunity too. But, have you ever wonder how the balloon printing process works? If so, then read on to discover how this popular party decoration goes from being a standard balloon to a unique and personalized printed one. 

The different types of balloons

Before we can delve further into the methods of balloon printing, it is first important to familiarize ourselves with the two different types of balloons that are available. These two types are as follows; latex balloons and foil balloons. The best way to describe the former is those balloons that we get tempted to pop with a pin! Whereby foil balloons tend to be more expensive and usually people purchase one of these as a special balloon, whereas latex balloons tend to be purchased in bulk. The reason why foil balloons tend to cost more is that they will last for several days, whereas you won’t get more than a day’s use out of a latex balloon. 

Methods of balloon printing

There are two different methods of balloon printing; screen printing and offset printing. However, the former method tends to be much more popular. So let’s reveal the process involved with screen printing first. This method is given its name because a screen is literally placed on top of the balloon. The ink is then forced through the screen. This method is highly effective because you are left with a thick layer of ink. This means that when the balloon is inflated you need not worry about the ink cracking or fading. The reason why offset printing is not as widely utilized is that this dense level of ink is not always achieved. This is because a cutout design is placed on the balloon and then the ink is rolled over it.

Therefore, the layer of ink is a lot thinner and thus there is the possibility that the image will be slightly faded once the balloon is blown up. Nevertheless, it is not all doom and gloom when it comes to offsetting printing because this is the more cost-effective method. Therefore, if you are looking to make some savings then the offset method of printing is a welcomed solution. You can also save money by selling your ink cartridges if you have any leftovers. Check out Sell Toner for more information on this. This ensures you don’t waste any funds on your balloon printing project.

Balloon printing possibilities 

Now onto the fun point; how balloon printing can be of use to you. As mentioned in the introduction, the possibilities at your disposal are vast. Furthermore, printed balloons are fantastic for an array of different occasions as well. When it comes to the different design options you can use words, phrases, personal photographs, and generic images.

All you need to do is have a look on the internet to see the wealth of options at your disposal. Companies themselves should have their own gallery too and so you will be able to gather inspiration. Aside from this, a lot of people tend to associate balloons with birthday parties and celebrations. However, they are suitable for a wealth of other events too. For example, they offer a fantastic opportunity in the form of corporate branding. If you are launching a new product or opening a new store, then printed balloons can provide the perfect finishing touch.

How balloons can be used in business

Balloons can be used in business in many different ways. As mentioned, they can play an important role when it comes to corporate events. After all, balloons are cost-effective yet they make a big impact. They are associated with happiness and they also make a big impression, standing out from the rest of the decor and decoration. This is exactly what you want when you’re going to have balloons that are printed with your company logo and information. This is a great way to advertise your business at events.

You can also use balloons as exciting promotional gifts. You can give these to people and they can pop the balloon to find the gift that is inside. This could be anything from a sample of your product to a discount code. Gift balloons have become very popular because they add excitement to the process of receiving a gift, and this is guaranteed to stick in your clients’ minds.

Of course, a lot of people are interested in balloon printing because they want to get into the business of selling personalized balloons. Perhaps you have a party store or an event planning basis? Maybe you are thinking about starting a business up? If you take a look at stores like Etsy, you will be able to see that a lot of people are finding it easier to open their own little craft and product stores today, so this is something that is definitely achievable. There are lots of different design inspirations and ideas online to help you get started as well. It would certainly be a fun business to get involved in.

So there you have it; an insight into the different types of balloons available today and how balloon printing takes place. You can opt for either screen printing or offset printing. The former offers better quality whilst the latter is cheaper. Therefore, it is up to you to deduce what is more important to you. And, don’t forget to consider the wealth of opportunities that are available with printed balloons – they are not just suitable for birthday parties, they offer so much more than that!