5 Ways Your Business Could Go More Green

Green business

If you're trying to restructure your company to become more focused on green practices, then you'll want to spend some time considering your daily habits and regular expenditures. Most likely, there are several ways that you could minimize your waste, becoming a more efficient office space. Therefore, dedicate some time to thinking about the following five areas.

1. Invest in Environmentally Friendly Supplies

When you purchase your stock cleaning items, chances are you are putting a lot out on things that simply get tossed in the end. You may want to switch gears, avoiding consumables and, instead, focusing on reusable products. For instance, don't purchase soap containers each time, have refill stations. In addition, paper towels, while functional, add up over time. While the immediate cost could be small buying recycled cleaning rags may be a better option. They'll often absorb messes better. They can then be washed and used again.

2. Have Your Utility's Assessed

Don't hesitate to audit the overall system. Your local utility company often does this for free, determining where you can cut back on electricity and water. In addition, plumbers and electricians can come in, recommending any changes to lighting or pipes. Sometimes the switch could save you from using excess.

3. Go Paperless

In today's world, there isn't much need to print everything. In fact, the papers are often lost, crumpled, and dismissed. Technology makes it easier to store, organize, and locate what you need. Encourage customers and employees to do whatever they can on the computer. Have receipts emailed out? Send contracts online. It's less hassle and helps the environment.

4. Establish Recycle Programs

Next to each trash receptacle place a recycling bin. Clearly label what can be put inside. In some states, places can't reuse anything that is contaminated with food or liquid. In fact, you may need to have separate ones for paper versus plastic. When it's easy to deposit in the appropriate spot, habits can form faster. 

5. Assess Your Packaging Materials

What are you using to mail out or wrap up your stock? Investigate alternatives. For example, can you switch to something that is reusable? Perhaps you could biodegradable filler? Styrofoam peanuts were previously dismissed because they take so long to break down. Newer versions, however, are crafted with corn, helping them turn into compost sooner.

Think about the Earth and your establishment. Select one or two methods that may help you and your staff make the planet a bit cleaner.